I ventured to Coney Island on Saturday to document the Mermaid Parade with oh...about a zillion other people. I paid my $5 camera fee and ventured into the staging area. This was the jackpot for photos and what I imagine it would be like to be a real deal press photographer. I had to jockey for position, duck, bob, weave...I kinda felt bad for the real press with all of us in there too, but what are you gonna do? Here are some shots of the preparation taking place.
The line to check in.

This poor mermaid wasn't enjoying her time in line with all the cameras and the heat. Trying to cut the edge...

Most people didn't mind the photos...some really didn't mind!

Amateurs, professionals and even other participants all crowded in for the shot.

I loved this angle with the Cyclone in the background.

I wish the light was a little better here, but like this shot.

The wide angle works with this bizarre scene.

I took heaps, so look for more posts soon.