Sunday, September 16, 2007

My First Wedding Assist

In my journey to become a professional photographer, I have started to assist for a wonderful wedding photographer named Jocelyn. She has blessed me with the most amazing forum to learn (trial by fire really) and the patience to teach me (cheat sheets and everything!). As the second shooter, I get to do a lot of the details. Here are just a few selects from my very first wedding assist.

Headed downstairs to shoot the bouquets, I was captured by the contrast of not only the white fabric and dark wood, but also the gentle curves with the rigid lines.

A traditional shot, but I like it.

I was left behind in the preparation room to battle the insanely contrasty light, while Jocelyn prepared for the party to come down the aisle. I didn't get much, but I liked this one.

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::: said...

exciting! maybe i'm old fashioned bt the white roses are my fave. you're inspiring me.

monicamera said...

Flowers look beautiful!

Unknown said...

these are amazing. your detailed eye is the perfect match for a wedding photographer!

Unknown said...

these are amazing. your detailed eye is the perfect match for a wedding photographer!