Yesterday, some friends and I went on a cultural adventure to Jackson Heights in Queens. Our focus was the few blocks known as "Little India." Here you can find shops dedicated to Indian foods, clothing, gifts, music, dvds, etc.
I tend to focus on the details, so here's an attempt to shoot wider.

Back to my details (that was quick)...look at this sad mannequin. Poor guy. Perhaps yellow isn't his color. I like this photo for the young girl reflected in his head. An added visual treat!

We stopped in a sweets shop for a chai break and some cherry naan. Delicious!

I liked this shot grabbed at the vegetable market. It makes me want a pina colada perhaps more than Indian food, but nonetheless...

We ventured up into the 80s where the neighborhood completely changes. This area is more populated by Latinos and the street under the elevated subway track is lined with food carts (definitely another adventure to be had there). Whatcha looking at fella?

Interesting indeed! (that's a splayed out pig if you can't tell, but the tamales to the right looked mmm, mmm, good!)