Sunday, December 9, 2007

SantaCon 2007

This weekend I was out shopping when I found myself in the middle of SantaCon. This is an annual pub crawl that takes place in cities around the world where all participants dress like Santa. I didn't have my DSLR with me, but chased after them with a point and shoot I carry every day for occasions like this. I think the best part was the utter confusion of the tourists.

I like how this one has a few regular folks caught up in all of this.

I like the reindeer in the back there and that his antlers mimic the tree branches behind him.

There's a lot going on in this one. I love the older man's look of disdain, but even more the death grip of the concerned mother on her son's neck.

As in the previous photo, I like that the sign just reads "Chris" like it might just say Christmas.

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