Sunday, February 10, 2008

Giants Fan (for a day)

I work downtown right on the Canyon of Heroes (Broadway), so there was no avoiding the ticker tape parade for the NY Giants. Having never seen one, I was actually quite excited about the whole thing. The energy was awesome and I got totally sucked in. I was a Giants fan...for a day.

Fans were gathered super early in the morning. I ran into this guy at 9am.

The whole time I was trying to work, I could hear the cheers and hollers 15 floors below. I felt like I was grounded and couldn't go to the party. I snuck downstairs after the parade started, but it was totally packed by then. Not confident I'd get back in if I went all the way out, this was my view (well, my camera's view held as high as I could get it).

I love this with the cellphone camera.

Here are two views from my office. This one is the parade going past Trinity Church.

This is the mess a whole block away from the parade.

It was over by lunch time, so I ventured out to see the aftermath.

How quickly things move on.

For the record, I had BOTH cameras on this day. Holy cow! I took video with the small one, so you MIGHT see a little multimedia experiment here as well. No promises.

1 comment:

Traci said...

Thanks for posting these. I wanted to witness the parade too, so this is a little glimpse. I love the shots of the aftermath.